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Olivier Dunrea
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Copyright © 2004 by Olivier Dunrea
All rights reserved. For information about permission to reproduce
selections from this book, write to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Company,
215 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10003.
The text of this book is set in 20-point Shannon.
The illustrations are ink and watercolor on paper.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dunrea, Olivier.
Peedie / by Olivier Dunrea.
p. cm.
Summary: A little goose named Peedie tends to forget everything
except where to find his lucky red baseball cap.
HC ISBN 0-618-35652-5 BB ISBN 0-618-75506-3
[1. Memory—Fiction. 2. Baseball caps—Fiction. 3. Hats—Fiction.
4. Geese—Fiction.] I. Title.
PZ7.D922Pe 2004 [E]—dc22 2003017702
HC ISBN-13: 978-0-618-35652-2
BB ISBN-13: 978-0-618-75506-6
Printed in China
For Lily and Bobby
This is Peedie.
Peedie is a gosling.
A small, yellow gosling
who sometimes forgets things.
Peedie forgets things.
Even when Mama Goose reminds him.
He forgets to come in
out of the rain.
He forgets to eat all his food.
He forgets to tidy his nest.
He forgets to take a nap.
He forgets to turn the egg.
But Peedie never forgets to wear
his lucky red baseball cap.
He wears it everywhere he goes.
He wears it when he dives.
He wears it when he slides.
He wears it when he explores.
He wears it when he snores.
Peedie never forgets to wear his
lucky red baseball cap.
Everywhere he goes.
Then one day Peedie put his lucky
red baseball cap in a secret place.
But he forgot where he put it.
He looked in the pond.
He looked in the apples.
He looked under the flower pot.
He looked in the tall grass.
But Peedie could not remember
where he had put it.
"Did you forget to turn the egg?"
Mama Goose asked.
Peedie slowly trudged to the nest.
His lucky red baseball cap was gone.
Then he saw it.
"There you are!" he said.
Peedie is a gosling.
A small, yellow gosling
who forgets things—sometimes!
Olivier Dunrea, Peedie
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